

Our understanding of the audit function is not limited to the mere certification of financial statements, but rather the need to ensure that the client gets the maximum benefit from that data and from the audit activity itself. This concept explains our approach in carrying out this specialized professional activity.
• Understand the nature of client activity in all its aspects to the extent that we can understand the financial results and interpret their trends.
• We contribute to raising the efficiency of the financial data presented by clarifying the relationships between the balances of different accounts and presenting them appropriately.
• Periodic quarterly review and financial reporting of regular periodic periods.
• Final review of financial statements ended at the end of each year or financial period.
• Provide the client with our observations on deficiencies in the internal control systems and methods of treatment, which preserves the assets and increases the accuracy of financial statements.
• Provide the management and financial system of the client on a continuous basis with the latest publications in the professional, organizational or legislative field may relate to the client's activity with our recommendations for possible action or development on the accounting performance and the preparation of financial statements.
• We contribute to the preparation of the annual financial statements in a timely manner to the customer by conducting a periodic review with the supply of the financial system well in advance of the end of the financial year with a list of guidelines for the preparation of final financial statements and final review requirements.
• We contribute to the preparation of annual tax statements and adopt the approval in accordance with the tax legislation.

We believe that proper planning to perform the review process and setting goals in a scientifically studied manner is indispensable to provide the best service to the customer. Therefore, we are preparing work programs to determine the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures according to:
• International auditing standards issued by the International Federation of Accountants and local standards adopted in accordance with ministerial decisions.
• Understanding the volume of transactions, nature of activity, business risks and efficiency of the financial system.
• Our office is one of the first Egyptian audit offices that has full coverage against professional liability in accordance with modern and international trends to give the users of the financial statements sufficient guarantees.

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